Saturday, October 15, 2011

Author Interview with Lynn Voedisch, Author of The God's Wife

After reading The God's Wife, I had a few burning questions! Author Lynn Voedisch stops by to clarify a few of these burning questions. 
Was it hard to write The God's Wife going back in forth between two times and characters?

I didn't find it hard, because the characters were linked together (sharing the same soul), and I found lots of ways to make similar things happen in their lives, despite the fact that they were divided by so many millennia. They both had cold, unfeeling mothers; good relationships with boyfriends; men who wanted to divide the love relationships; both were dancers; both had an aching feeling that a part of them was missing; etc. I found it fun to make jumps between the chapters that were somehow related to what was happening thousands of years earlier or later.
Do you identify more with Neferet or Rebecca?

I can't say I identified with either character, since each one was a part of a whole. But the story was really Neferet's tale, so I guess, guardedly, I'd say Neferet. To say more would spoil the story for those who haven't read it.

Would you rather have visions of the past or the future?

Would I rather have visions of the past or the future? I think I'd rather have visions of the future. I think everyone would. I'd like to know if all the work I'm doing really will bear any fruit, if my husband and I will really come into any fortune, if my son will make it big as a lawyer, etc. I am a glass-half-full type of person and I tend to expect good things from the future.
As for seeing into the past, I guess it would be interesting, but really, it seems less interesting, despite the fact that I write historical fiction. I can glean what I need from texts about the past.
How do you think that the ending affected Neferet? Rebecca's family?

Neferet is free to go about governing her country with Kamose without the irritations and plots with which others had been threatening her. To say more might spoil the read for others. 

To talk too much about Rebecca also would spoil things for readers. I definitely can't talk about her family and her ultimate choice. Rebecca's life is in a parallel world and it's important to remember that when she makes her sacrifice, the parallel world may cease to be. It's one way of looking at it. There is no real answer as to why the two worlds came in contact with each other, but according to quantum physics, two worlds that do connect can't stay connected and it's likely one will disintegrate. Of course, you may not accept the parallel worlds theory and consider it magic, as Neferet does.  
Are you planning a sequel?

After what happens between Neferet and Rebecca, I can't see how a sequel is possible. Many people have asked for one. Yet the tension is gone for Neferet in her hold on the position of God's Wife of Amun and she also has no worries about her feeling of being a whole person. So there is no tension there and no reason to write a book.

Someone said I could write a book about adventures with Neferet and Deena (who is an interesting character), but I can't think of any world-shattering event they might encounter. Perhaps something will come to me, but right now I'm working on something that's thousands of years away from ancient Egypt—although I'd like to return if I can think of a new story.

The God's Wife is currently on tour with Pump Up Your Book Promotion.  A huge thank you to Pump Up Your Book and to Lynn Voedisch.

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